Friendi Daily Capped Bundles Weekly Monthly KSA

Friendi Daily Capped Bundles Weekly Monthly KSA

Friendi in Saudi Arabia is back with another exciting offer. It’s now a Virgin own company and has recently introduced new data plans called Daily Capped Bundles. Today, I will show you the full comparison, each bundle data allowance, and daily usage. Also the prices with VAT and without VAT, and last but not least the activation code for the capped packs. So, stay here and keep reading to know the complete details…

What is Friendi Daily Capped Bundles?

For example, You will be given a total number of data e.g 5GB for 1 week, but you can only use up to 350MB daily for 1 week. This is what is called “The Daily Capped Bundles.” I hope this example clarifies everything.

For your information, for the 1st time in Saudi Arabia, Friendi Mobile has introduced such packages. These capped bundles are cheap and affordable, with more data allowance and daily usage as well as easy to subscribe to. Have a look at the following Friendi capped bundles.

Friendi Daily Capped Bundles

Let me tell you cannot exceed the daily data allowance. Alternatively, you may need another active Friendi data package to use after you consume the daily limit. However, there are two packages with a daily capped data allowance for 1 week and two weeks. You can check the remaining data on Friendi anytime. Let’s explore the 1st one:

Friendi Daily Capped Bundles KSA
Friendi Daily Capped Bundles KSA

Daily Capped Bundle for 1 Week

You can have a total of 3.5GB total data with a daily 512MB limit (data allowance). The price with VAT is SAR 34.50 and without VAT 15% price is SAR 30 only. To subscribe dial *118#. You can also get the Friendi KSA official app and activate the package on the go without any code. However, the price will remain the same.

Daily Capped Bundle for 2 Weeks

For two weeks (14 days), you can get 7GB of data with a daily data allowance of only 512MB. The price is 40.00 SAR without VAT and SAR 46.00 with VAT 15%. To activate the 7GB bundle dial this code *118#. Alternatively, you will need to get the plan via the Friendi KSA app.

Daily Capped Bundle for 1 Month

If you need more validity and data allowance per day. Then here is the best package for you. Get 30GB of data with a daily 1GB+10 minutes allowance for SAR 75.00 without VAT and SAR 86.25 with VAT 15%. The activation code is *118# and press the call button. In the menu select the 30GB daily capped bundle, that is it.

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